Postdoctoral Program in Toxicology
The IIT offers an excellent toxicology postdoctoral experience with numerous productive, IIT-affiliated faculty. In our integrative program, postdoctoral trainees typically explore the mechanisms by which toxicants cause adverse health effects at molecular, genomic, cellular and organismal levels. As a postdoctoral trainee, you will engage in collaborative research that broadens your investigative and networking horizons. The experience will help you to become a leader in the discipline of toxicology.
Funding for postdoctoral trainees and their research derives from the National Institutes of Health (including a multi-investigator Superfund Center Grant), the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, state government, other academic institutions, and corporate funding. Some of our postdoctoral fellows are supported by a training grant from the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences.
Areas of postdoctoral research correspond to the interest areas of the faculty mentors. Typically, application for a postdoctoral position is initiated by contacting a IIT-affiliated faculty member whose research interests fit with the training you desire.
Questions about the IIT's postdoctoral program can be directed to Dr. John LaPres.