How Does EITS Work?
What to Expect as an EITS Student
I'm interested in becoming an EITS student, where do I begin and how does the EITS program work?
Entry into a Ph.D. granting program
First Year: Lab rotations, coursework, choose thesis advisor
Entry into EITS Program: Choose a track, coursework, research in toxicology, publications, thesis/defense
Ph.D. in chosen discipline with a dual major in EITS
As a student with an interest in toxicology graduate education at the doctoral level, you will join one of the many basic science Ph.D. programs MSU has to offer, engage in laboratory rotations (if applicable) and complete your first year of coursework. During this time you will learn techniques, experience diverse areas of research, get to know prospective faculty mentors, and decide on a lab and advisor for your thesis research. Toward the end of your first year, you will apply for and enter into the EITS doctoral program in toxicology. Your acceptance into EITS requires that your thesis research is somehow toxicology-related and that you have IIT-affiliated faculty on your committee.
An incoming student chooses among three curricular tracks with different course requirements: the “Biomedical Toxicology Track” serves students entering with a strong background in mammalian biology and with interest in mechanisms of toxicity. The “Food Toxicology and Ingredient Safety Track” serves students interested in the safety of food-borne and consumer product ingredients. Students entering with backgrounds in disciplines other than mammalian biology (e.g., chemistry, engineering, etc.) may choose the “Environmental Toxicology Track”, which emphasizes fate of chemicals in the environment, bioremediation and ecotoxicology.
During the ensuing years, you will complete research on your thesis project. In the process, you will present your work at scientific meetings, complete a Ph.D. qualifying exam, write research reports for publication and participate in seminars and other EITS-sponsored gatherings.
Your time as a doctoral student will culminate with a presentation of your research to the MSU scientific community and a “defense” of your thesis before your thesis committee. Upon graduation, you will be well prepared for a career in toxicology.