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News from CRIS: Zagorski Discusses Black Plastic Utensils on the Today Show

January 23, 2025

Should you throw away your black plastic cooking utensils? CRIS researcher Dr. Joe Zagorski weighed in with evidence on the Today Show recently. 

Dr. Zagorski is an assistant professor for the Center for Research on Ingredient Safety. The broad interest of his research centers on ingredient safety and molecular toxicology. Currently, he is working on developing models of developmental immunotoxicology, co-culture models systems with human hepatocytes, and the utilization of 3D culture systems to predict toxicity. At the Center for Research on Ingredient Safety, his goal is to develop alternative model systems, utilizing primary human cells and tissues. This includes the implementation of a developmental immunotoxicology model system, using primary human CD34+ cells from cord blood, to determine effects of toxicants on the developing immune system. The overarching goal of his research is to utilize these models to promote public health and support research for ingredient safety.    


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