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News from CRIS: Director's Message August

September 2, 2021

Director's Message

As we embark on a new academic year at Michigan State University, I wanted to reach out and update you on the great work we're undertaking at CRIS. Especially as students begin to fill the halls again and campus is starting to resume normal activities after these abnormal times.  

While it's been strange not to have our undergraduates on the MSU campus for over a year now, we've continued to research, communicate, and work to fulfill our CRIS mission. We've recently welcomed new CRIS partners, Syngenta and Artemys Foods. We are thrilled to have them on board. 
We are very much looking forward to hosting the 2021 CRIS Annual Meeting and Science Day, November 8-10. Presently, we are planning on an in-person meeting with the Science Day symposium being a hybrid for those that cannot participate in-person. The focus of our symposium will be on packaging ingredients and are excited to have a full slate of speakers. 
As you may recall, we saw the tremendous interest in CBD consumer products and have focused this past year on this up-and-coming ingredient. We've conducted a review of the literature to assess the state-of-the-science on health effects and safety of CBD, to identify critical knowledge gaps for future studies, and to raise the awareness of the current regulations that govern CBD use from a consumer products perspective. Our paper has completed the first stage of peer-review and we are completing requested revisions.  We are looking forward to confirming the publication of our paper and providing a publication date in the near future. 


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