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Pacyga Selected for Environmental Health Scholars Retreat

September 17, 2019

Diana PacygaEITS graduate student, Diana Pacyga, was selected as one of 15 trainees from across the country to participate in the prestigious Environmental Health Scholars Retreat held at Brown University. The retreat gives pre- and postdoctoral trainees an opportunity to present children's environmental health research in a supportive environment to leading researchers and each other. The two-and-a-half day program is designed to enhance career development for the trainees chosen through networking, career development workshops and keynote lectures from leaders in the field. The highlights of the retreat are the presentations of ongoing fellow research with feedback from experienced environmental health scientists in a collaborative and collegial setting. The retreat is organized and sponsored by the Academic Pediatrics Association, the Mount Sinai P30 Core Center, the Mount Sinai NICHD-funded T32, the Mount Sinai CTSA Program, and the Brown Univeristy School of Public Health. 

Pacyga is mentored by IIT-affiliated faculty member, Dr. Rita Stakovsky, and will be presenting on, "Sex-Specific Associations Between Gestational Di(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Exposure and Maternal Steroid Hormones - Modification by Maternal Adiposity."