The Institute for Integrative Toxicology presents Dr. Joshua Harrill, Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure, U.S. EPA, to speak on, “High-Throughput Phenotypic Profiling with the Cell Painting Assay and Applications for Next Generation Risk Assessment,” on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in 162 Food Safety and Toxicology Building.
The Institute for Integrative Toxicology presents Dr. Natalie Johnson, Texas A&M University, to speak on, “Responding to Air Pollution in Disasters,” on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in 162 Food Safety and Toxicology Building.
Celebrate with us! The MSU IIT will host an Alumni and Friends Reception at the 63rd Annual SOT Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, March 12, 2024 from 9 to 11 pm.
The Institute for Integrative Toxicology presents Dr. Jason R. Richardson, University of Georgia, to speak on, “Gene-Environment Interactions in Alzheimer's Disease: A Path to Precision Prevention and Treatment,” on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in 162 Food Safety and Toxicology Building.
The Institute for Integrative Toxicology presents the 3rd Annual Jerry Hook Distinguished Lectureship given by Dr. Jeffrey M. Peters, to speak on, "The Mechanisms of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-α (PPARα) Liver Carcinogenesis from Past to Present," on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.
The Institute for Integrative Toxicology presents Dr. Imran Shah, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to speak on, “Integrating Artificial Intelligence, Systems Modeling and Single-Cell Analysis for Advancing Chemical Safety,” on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in 162 Food Safety and Toxicology Building.
Join us for the 2024 CRIS Annual Science Symposium! Hear experts from academia, industry, and the FDA discuss Plastic Recycling & Chemical Contaminants in Recycled Plastic.
The Institute for Integrative Toxicology presents Dr. John Clarke, Washington State University, to speak on, “Microcystin-LR Hepatotoxicity in Healthy Versus Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease Rodents,” on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in 162 Food Safety and Toxicology Building.
The Institute for Integrative Toxicology presents Dr. Joseph Zagorski, Michigan State University, to speak on, “Development of a Human Hepatocyte: Endothelial Cell Coculture Model to Determine Differential Potencies of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids,” on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in 162 Food Safety and Toxicology Building.
Please join us to interact with graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty in the Environmental and Integrative Toxicological Sciences Program.