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Thomas C. Voice

Thomas C.  Voice
  • Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Senior Associate Dean, College of Engineering
  • Engineering Bldg
  • 428 S Shaw Ln Room 3410
  • East Lansing MI 48824
  • 517-355-5133


Dr. Voice's research has focused on sorption phenomena and other environmental mass-transfer processes, pollutant-soil interactions, treatment systems based on adsorption processes, and the environmental behavior of hazardous substances, and exposure assessment. In addition to research, he is currently serving as Associate Director of the Midwest Hazardous Substance Research Center, a research consortium involving Purdue University, Michigan State, Kansas State and Virginia Tech; Director of the international project Training and Research in Environmental Health -- the Balkans; and Director of Technical Outreach Services to Communities program at MSU. He maintains a strong secondary interest in environmental analytical chemistry. He has developed several new methods including a headspace GC technique for VOCs in soils, and an on-site arsenic speciation method.


University of Michigan, B.S.E., 1976, Electrical Engineering  
University of Michigan, M.S.E., 1979, Env. Water Res. Engineering  
University of Michigan, Ph.D., 1982, Env. Water Res. Engineering 



Dr. Voice at PubMed

Dr. Voice at MSU Scholars