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J. Justin McCormick

J. Justin McCormick
  • University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Fee Hall West Wing
  • 909 Wilson Rd Room 324A
  • East Lansing MI 48824
  • 517-884-3829


Dr. McCormick's research is directed at understanding genetic changes at the molecular level that are involved in the transformation of normal human cells into cancer cells. By gaining insight into the mechanisms, strategies can be developed to interrupt or thwart this transformation. His research, which is closely related to his colleague Veronica Maher's work, concentrates defining the specific genetic changes required to transform normal human cells into malignant tumor cells and to determine the mechanisms by which environmental chemical carcinogens and radiation bring about such changes. He studies the nature of the mutations involved, as well as the preventative role of DNA repair. His team has developed a unique lineage of human fibroblast cell strains, clonally derived, one from the other, beginning with normal diploid cells, and moving step-by-step to fully malignant cells able to form tumors in suitable animal hosts. Dr. McCormick's research interests related to toxicology fall under the broad umbrella of biochemical toxicology and include cytotoxic, mutagenic and transforming effects.


St. Paul's College, B.S., 1957  
St. Paul's College, M.A., 1960  
Catholic University, M.S., Biology, 1963  
Catholic University, Ph.D., Cell Physiology, 1967 



Dr. McCormick at PubMed

Dr. McCormick at MSU Scholars