A. Daniel Jones

- Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Director, RTSF Mass Spectrometry Facility
- Biochemistry
- 603 Wilson Rd Room 215
- East Lansing MI 48824
- 517-432-7126
- jonesar4@msu.edu
Dr. Jones’s research interests lie in improving mass spectrometry and separation strategies and applying them to perform global profiling of metabolites. This approach, known as metabolomics, probes the influence of genetics and environment on rates of biosynthesis and degradation of metabolites. Such measurements lie at the heart of systems biology approaches for engineering plants and microorganisms for improved productivity, as biosensors, and as valuable sources of an assortment of bioactive chemicals. Furthermore, the information in the metabolome can be used as biomarkers of stress, toxicity, and disease. His areas of expertise include mass spectrometry, separations, and analytical chemistry; analytical strategies for metabolomics and metabolite profiling; posttranslational modification of proteins in aging, toxicity, and disease; chemical ecology; plant-insect and plant-pathogen interactions; and high-throughput techniques for discovery of bioactive natural products.EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND
Harvey Mudd College, B.S., 1976, Chemistry
The Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D., 1984, Chemistry