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Susan L. Ewart

Susan  L. Ewart
  • Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences


Dr. Ewart's research is focused on the molecular mechanisms of allergic and airway diseases in humans and animal models. Her laboratory conducts human studies on data and samples from a whole population birth cohort from the Isle of Wight, UK that has been fully characterized for allergic diseases and indices at multiple time points from birth through young adulthood and across three generations. This immense longitudinal dataset contains many individuals with asthma, eczema and/or rhinitis. The Ewart lab is performing genetic and epigenetic association studies to identify genes or gene modifications that contribute to each allergic disease and combinations of allergies. Along with looking for susceptibility loci for asthma and other allergic outcomes they are also looking at gene-environment interactions. The Ewart lab also investigates the mechanisms underlying allergic airway disease in mouse models of asthma. The overall goals of the lab are to identify genetic, epigenetic and environmental risk factors for asthma and related allergies.


Michigan State University, B.S., 1985, Veterinary Medicine 
Michigan State University, DVM, 1987, Veterinary Medicine 
Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D., 1994, Environmental Physiology



Dr. Ewart at PubMed

Dr. Ewart at MSU Scholars