Stephan A. Carey

- Professor and Associate Chairperson, Small Animal Internal Medicine, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
- Vet Medical Ctr
- 736 Wilson Rd Room D165
- East Lansing MI 48824
- 517-355-6570
There has been increasing evidence in recent years that children are more susceptible than adults to the adverse respiratory effects of air pollutants. Dr. Carey’s research efforts involve investigation of the effects of air pollutants on the developing respiratory airways of children. A focus his research is the identification of morphologic, biochemical, and molecular determinants of this heightened susceptibility of children to respiratory airway injury caused by common air pollutants including ozone, aeroallergens, and mycotoxins. A second focus of his research is to determine the long-lasting morphologic and functional respiratory consequences of early life exposures to these common airborne pollutants. Using whole animal experimental models and state-of-the-art techniques including 3-D airway modeling and injury mapping, computer-assisted morphometry, immunohistochemistry, and airway antioxidant analyses, Dr. Carey’s long-range goal is to make direct correlations between morphologic and biochemical airway responses to better understand the mechanisms underlying this differential susceptibility.
Michigan State University, Ph.D., Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology, 2008
University of Wisconsin-Madison, DVM, 2000
Duke University, B.S., Biological Anthropology and Anatomy, 1991